Generate Ordered Beta Variates


This function will generate ordered beta random variates given values for the mean (mu), dispersion (phi) and cutpoints governing the ratio of degenerate (discrete) to continuous responses.


rordbeta(n = 100, mu = 0.5, phi = 1, cutpoints = c(-1, 1))


n Number of variates to generate.
mu Value of the mean of the distribution. Should be in the (0,1) interval (cannot be strictly equal to 0 or 1). If length is greater than 1, should be of length n.
phi Value of the dispersion parameter. Should be strictly greater than 0. If length is greater than 1, should be of length n.
cutpoints A vector of two numeric values for the cutpoints. Second value should be strictly greater than the first value.


A vector of length n of variates from the ordered beta distribution.



# generate 100 random variates with an average of 0.7
# all will be in the closed interval \[0,1\]

ordbeta_var <- rordbeta(n=100, mu=0.7, phi=2)

# Will be approx mean = 0.7 with high positive skew

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.0000  0.6471  0.9866  0.7582  1.0000  1.0000