Function to compare two fitted idealstan models by plotting ideal points. Assumes that underlying data is the same for both models.


Function to compare two fitted idealstan models by plotting ideal points. Assumes that underlying data is the same for both models.


  model1 = NULL,
  model2 = NULL,
  scale_flip = FALSE,
  return_data = FALSE,
  labels = NULL,
  hjust = -0.1,
  palette = "Set1",
  color_direction = 1,
  text_size_label = 2,
  rescale = FALSE


model1 The first model to compare
model2 The second model to compare
scale_flip This parameter is set to true if you have two models that are reflected around the ideal point axis. This can happen as a result of identification and is harmless.
return_data Whether to return the underlying data
labels TRUE or FALSE, whether to use labels for points
hjust The horizontal adjustment of point labels
palette colorbrewer palette name
color_direction Whether to reverse the color scale
text_size_label Size of point labels
rescale Whether to rescale the estimates from two models so they will match regardless of arbitrary scale shifts in the ideal points