Plot Posterior Predictive Distribution for idealstan Objects


This function is the actual method for generating posterior distributions from a fitted idealstan model.


## S4 method for signature 'idealstan'
  ppc_pred = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  item = NULL,
  combine_item = TRUE,
  type = NULL,
  only_observed = NULL,
  which_mod = NULL,
  prompt_plot = TRUE,


object A fitted idealstan object
ppc_pred The output of the id_post_pred function on a fitted idealstan object
group A character vector of the person or group IDs over which to subset the predictive distribution
item A character vector of the item IDs over which to subset the predictive distribution
combine_item Whether to combine all items together (TRUE) or create one plot for each item (FALSE)
type Whether to plot "continuous" or "discrete" responses
which_mod If you are producing one plot aggregating data across multiple items and you have different item distributions, then you need to specify the item type number to plot (see function documentation in id_estimate).
prompt_plot Whether to expect a user prompt for each plot if multiple plots are produced (defaults to TRUE) If NULL (default), will use the type specified in the data. However, if both continuous and discrete items are present, will throw an error if NULL.
Other arguments passed on to ppc_bars