Simulate IRT ideal point data


A function designed to simulate IRT ideal point data.


  num_person = 20,
  num_items = 50,
  cov_effect = NULL,
  model_type = "binary",
  latent_space = FALSE,
  absence_discrim_sd = 3,
  absence_diff_mean = 0,
  discrim_reg_upb = 1,
  discrim_reg_lb = -1,
  discrim_miss_upb = 1,
  discrim_miss_lb = -1,
  discrim_reg_scale = 2,
  discrim_reg_shape = 2,
  discrim_miss_scale = 2,
  discrim_miss_shape = 2,
  diff_sd = 3,
  time_points = 1,
  time_process = "random",
  time_sd = 0.1,
  ideal_pts_sd = 3,
  prior_type = "gaussian",
  ordinal_outcomes = 3,
  inflate = FALSE,
  sigma_sd = 1


num_person The number of persons/persons
num_items The number of items (bills in the canonical ideal point model)
cov_effect The effect of a hierarchical/external covariate on the person ideal points. The covariate will be a uniformly-distributed random variable on the [0,1] scale, so covariate effects in the [-2,2] approximate range would result in noticeable effects on the ideal point scale.
model_type One of ‘binary’, ‘ordinal_rating’, ‘ordinal_grm’, ‘poisson’ ‘normal’, or ‘lognormal’
latent_space Whether to use the latent space formulation of the ideal point model FALSE by default. NOTE: currently, the package only has estimation for a binary response with the latent space formulation.
absence_discrim_sd The SD of the discrimination parameters for the inflated model
absence_diff_mean The mean intercept for the inflated model; increasing it will lower the total number of missing data
discrim_reg_upb The upper bound of the generalized Beta distribution for the observed discrimination parameters (gamma)
discrim_reg_lb The lower bound of the generalized Beta distribution for the observed discrimination parameters (gamma)
discrim_miss_upb The upper bound of the generalized Beta distribution for the missingness discrimination parameters (nu)
discrim_miss_lb The lower bound of the generalized Beta distribution for the missingness discrimination parameters (nu)
discrim_reg_scale The scale parameter for the generalized Beta distribution for the observed discrimination parameters (gamma)
discrim_reg_shape The shape parameter for the generalized Beta distribution for the observed discrimination parameters (gamma)
discrim_miss_scale The scale parameter for the generalized Beta distribution for the missingness discrimination parameters (nu)
discrim_miss_shape The shape parameter for the generalized Beta distribution for the missingness discrimination parameters (nu)
diff_sd The SD of the difficulty parameters (bill/item intercepts) for both missing and observed parameters (beta and omega)
time_points The number of time points for time-varying legislator/person parameters
time_process The process used to generate the ideal points: either ‘random’ for a random walk, ‘AR’ for an AR1 process, or ‘GP’ for a Gaussian process.
time_sd The standard deviation of the change in ideal points over time (should be low relative to ideal_pts_sd)
ideal_pts_sd The SD for the person/person ideal points
prior_type The statistical distribution that generates the data for ideal point parameters (alpha) and difficulty intercepts (beta and omega). Currently only ‘gaussian’ is supported.
ordinal_outcomes If model is ‘ordinal’, an integer giving the total number of categories
inflate If TRUE, an missing-data-inflated dataset is produced.
sigma_sd If a normal or log-normal distribution is being fitted, this parameter gives the standard deviation of the outcome (i.e. the square root of the variance).


This function produces simulated data that matches (as closely as possible) the models used in the underlying Stan code. Currently the simulation can produce inflated and non-inflated models with binary, ordinal (GRM and rating-scale), Poisson, Normal and Log-Normal responses.


The results is a idealdata object that can be used in the id_estimate function to run a model. It can also be used in the simulation plotting functions.

See Also

id_plot_sims for plotting fitted models versus true values.