Posterior Summaries for fitted idealstan object


This function produces quantiles and standard deviations for the posterior samples of idealstan objects.


## S4 method for signature 'idealstan'
  pars = "ideal_pts",
  high_limit = 0.95,
  low_limit = 0.05,
  aggregated = TRUE,
  use_chain = NULL


object An idealstan object fitted by id_estimate
pars Either ‘ideal_pts’ for person ideal points, ‘items’ for items/bills difficulty and discrimination parameters, and ‘all’ for all parameters in the model, including incidental parameters.
high_limit A number between 0 and 1 reflecting the upper limit of the uncertainty interval (defaults to 0.95).
low_limit A number between 0 and 1 reflecting the lower limit of the uncertainty interval (defaults to 0.05).
aggregate Whether to return summaries of the posterior values or the full posterior samples. Defaults to TRUE.


A tibble data frame with parameters as rows and descriptive statistics as columns